We went on to about etiquette: first, that it is important to afford classmates your full attention while they perform and second, that we all have to remember to pick up after ourselves and our parents after a meal. Because many attendees had left litter on the lawn after the show, the students planned a kid-run "Clean-Up Committee" who would deal with the waste next time.
Lastly, we discussed old and new projects that the class would enjoy either doing again or doing for the first time. Old favorites were painting and making pen holders and decorative lamps, and new suggestions included making face masks, learning photography, and working more with computers. (I have submitted a Technology Proposal to Flint Hill, so we may be receiving some recycled laptops soon!)
We had one last tournament of Rock, Paper, Scissors and a photo session before we said our goodbyes -- and I promised to return soon in winter!